9/15/12 BOB BOW WB under Judge Cathy Daugherty in Rochester, MN

5/20/12 WB under judge p. Beisel-Mcliwane in Greentown, IN

6/13 BOS WB New Champion

6/4/12 BOB at Great Lakes Boxer Club Specialty under Judge Joseph Gruby


​​​​​​​​AKC GCH UKC BISS BIS GCH Shaddai N Charron's  Double Edge Sword DOM


1/5/12 New Champion in Melrose, IL

10/6/12 GRP3 BOB BOW WB under Judge L. Boutwell in Philpot, KY

DOB :  7/1/2011

Sire: AKC GCH UKC GCH Panyack's Landmark CGC
Dam: UKC CH Charron's Carmel Delight CGC

AKC# WS38029302

UKC# P689-015

Health testing:

ARVC Clear

Echo normal

Grand Champion Select - 3 point major

Katana was bred by Charron Boxers, Michelle Cramblett and Shaddai Boxers, Micah Watkins and is owned by Michelle Cramblett and Darlene Strohbehn.  Katana never meets a stranger and can put a smile on your face even on the worst day.  She earned a group 3 during showing as well as several breed wins.